Process Optimization
You can only have a good plant if you have a good process. That’s why if you want to have a successful project the first thing a project owner need to do is to focus is the Process Flow.
As Project Owner / Key Stake Holders / Designer, the following questions should be asked and addressed:
• Do I have all the equipment required to make the process work?
Do I have the best equipment on the market?
Did I also consider the operating cost (OPEX)?
What about the energy saving / specific energy?
What about the maintenance friendliness?
What about the on-going consumptions of chemicals / water / replacement parts?
Do I have enough sensor to monitor and control the process sufficiently?
Do I have too much sensor?
Are they the right material for the operating environment?
The list goes on and on!
Eurovironment engineers have faced countless of time those issues and we are ready to assist you in delivering the best system meeting the tightest European standard. A process optimization does not necessarily mean higher cost and in most cases it is actually generate consequent saving, a classic case of CAPEX vs. OPEX
You want to have a successful project? By contacting us is already optimizing your project decision.